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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Planning, La da da.

I've been fishing around in my mind for the past couple of months the idea of doing a photo shoot obviously it wouldn't be a serious photo shoot because well, I don't know how to use a camera to save my ass. But, a photoshoot thing none the less because I want to build my portfolio. Because it's stale. It is full of photos from people in back alleys from Home coming but there isn't any fun photos. 

The problem is getting it together. I want each photo to feel the time. I.e 1960's  (hippie esx) I'd want to do outside so it had that earthy feel, yadda yadda. And I have to slowly open my mother up to the idea. she is not a big fan of me having large amounts of people in the house at one time, especially with something like this because it would be a lot of people and a lot of kind of high stress (from my part). But I think that it would be so fun, and so worth it. 

Anyway the planning of it for me is fun, the who do I want there. What do I want to do, when do I want to do it. I would initially like to do it before everyone who is going away to college, leaves. Because uhum that'd be nice. But who knows what'll happen. 

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